Landlord's Portal Registration
Click below to get started. You will be sent to a new window and will be able to come back to this page for instructions.
Step 1
Put in your email address, Click you are the Landlord.
Step 2
Fill out your name and put how many rental properties you own. The password should be the street address name with the 1st letter Capital.
For example, if the road is 123 Wright Street.... you make the password Wright123 with a Capital W and the house number following.
Step 3
When it asks for a cell phone number, please put my number 770.873.5130 so I can check they paid rent every month. They will send me a code by text so please let me know when you are starting this process, so I can send you the code. When you enter the system you will use your email address to send you the code so you can get in.
Step 4
You will need a copy of your lease next to you to answer the questions. Do not fill in anything for the security deposit, any questions you do not know please leave them blank and I will fix them. I do need the banking information completed, that is the most important part for you to set up because the rent will go from the Renters account to your bank account.
Step 5
Please email me back anything you did not answer and I will fix it in the Portal.
Office Phone Number: 770-800-SOLD